- bona fide
- добросовестно; добронамерено; добросовестный; настоящий♦ bona fide business солидное коммерческое предприятие
Англо-русский словарь по рекламе . 2014.
Англо-русский словарь по рекламе . 2014.
bona fide — bo·na fide / bō nə ˌfīd, bä nə ; ˌbō nə fī dē, fī də/ adj [Latin, in good faith] 1 a: characterized by good faith and lack of fraud or deceit a bona fide offer b: valid under or in compliance with the law retirement incentives made part of a bona … Law dictionary
bona fide — bona fide, bona fides 1. Bona fide is an adjectival and (now rarely) adverbial phrase meaning ‘in good faith’ and hence ‘genuine(ly)’ (a bona fide tourist); bona fides is a noun phrase meaning ‘good faith’ and hence ‘honest intention’. Bona fides … Modern English usage
Bona fide — Bo na fi de [L.] In or with good faith; without fraud or deceit; real or really; actual or actually; genuine or genuinely; as, you must proceed bona fide; a bona fide purchaser or transaction. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bona fide — [bō′nə fīd΄, bän′əfīd΄; bō΄nə fī′dē] adj., adv. [L] 1. in good faith; made or done without fraud or deceit [a bona fide offer to negotiate] 2. genuine; real [a bona fide Chippendale chair] SYN. AUTHENTIC … English World dictionary
bona fide — (izg. bȍna fȉde) pril. DEFINICIJA pravn. u dobroj vjeri, pošteno, bez zlih misli; dobronamjerno, opr. mala fide ETIMOLOGIJA lat … Hrvatski jezični portal
BONA FIDE — (лат.) заслуживающий доверия. Философский энциклопедический словарь. М.: Советская энциклопедия. Гл. редакция: Л. Ф. Ильичёв, П. Н. Федосеев, С. М. Ковалёв, В. Г. Панов. 1983. BONA FIDE … Философская энциклопедия
bona fide — 1540s, Latin, lit. in good faith, ablative of bona fides good faith (see FAITH (Cf. faith)). Originally used as an adverb, later (18c.) also as an adjective. The opposite is mala fide … Etymology dictionary
bona fide — лат. (бона фиде) букв. «по доброй вере»; чистосердечно, вполне искренне; честно, добросовестно. Толковый словарь иностранных слов Л. П. Крысина. М: Русский язык, 1998 … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка
Bona fide — (lat.), in gutem Glauben, ehrlich und redlich … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
bona fide — In good faith; genuine; without fraud or deceit. (Dictionary of Canadian Bankruptcy Terms) United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012 … Glossary of Bankruptcy
bona fide — *authentic, genuine, veritable Analogous words: true, *real, actual: *reliable, dependable, trustworthy: *pure, absolute, simple, sheer Antonyms: counterfeit, bogus Contrasted words: simulated, feigned, pretended, affected, shammed, assumed (see… … New Dictionary of Synonyms